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6月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Why does the United States not condemn Japan's view of history? When they never apologized to South Korea and China.

https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-United-States-not-condemn-Japans-view-of-history-When-they-never-apologized-to-South-Korea-and-China In Quora's question, frequently "colonial", "occupied", and "invasion" The words are seen. This phenomenon is the result of Korean propaganda. Please also research the history of the Japanese side. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-United-States-not-condemn-Japans-view-of-history-When-they-never-apologized-to-South-Korea-and-China/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1

Why was feudal Japan able to quickly industrialize and Westernize in the 19th century, and why was China unable to do the same?

Why was feudal Japan able to quickly industrialize and Westernize in the 19th century, and why was China unable to do the same? There may be hints in these two videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ATZG6pyY88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ

Quora Moderation collapsed your answer for violating a policy on Quora.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwChSMBfdBxTmrTVCkMDwNGkgkC Quora Moderation collapsed your answer for violating a policy on Quora. Quora Moderation collapsed your answer to  How do the Japanese people feel about the Japanese government pushing for more immigrant workers?  for violating a policy on Quora. Your answer may need improvement. Violation of Quora's   Be Nice, Be Respectful   policy. To see the answer page, visit:  How do the Japanese people feel about the Japanese government pushing for more immigrant workers? This email was sent by Quora (650 Castro Street #450, Mountain View, CA 94041). If you don't want to receive this type of email in the future, please  unsubscribe . https://www.quora. com/

South Korean troops were involved in a military raid on a town in North Korea a day or two before the North invaded the South. Is this why North Korea continues to claim it was the South that invaded the North, not the other way around?

https://www.quora.com/South-Korean-troops-were-involved-in-a-military-raid-on-a-town-in-North-Korea-a-day-or-two-before-the-North-invaded-the-South-Is-this-why-North-Korea-continues-to-claim-it-was-the-South-that-invaded-the-North-not?__nsrc__=4 「徳治主義」は儒教の政治理念です。 「お前が悪い」と相手が言ったら、「悪いのはお前だ」と言い返します。 これを繰り返せばいいのです。 決して非を認めてはいけません。 他人は、どちらが悪いのかわかりません。 彼らのテクニックです。 日本は嫌と言うほ思い知らされています。 他の徳治主義の特徴です。 王又は支配者になったものは、前王を徹底的に悪者にします。 批判は、内容が間違っていても許されます。 とにかく批判して、悪者にすればいいのです。 "The Principle of virtuous government" is a Confucian political philosophy. When opponent says, "You are bad," you have to say, "You are bad." You have to repeat this. You must not admit a wrong. Others don't know which is worse. This is their technique. Japan learns the hard way that this Status. Another characteristic of "The Principle of virtuous government". The king or the ruler thoroughly makes the former king a villain. Criticism is acceptable even if the content is wrong. Any


https://jp.quora.com/%E6%97%A5%E9%9F%93%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C%E3%81%AE%E7%8F%BE%E7%8A%B6%E3%81%A8%E6%89%93%E9%96%8B%E7%AD%96%E3%82%92%E8%AB%96%E8%AD%B0%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1%E3%81%AE%E8%A8%98%E4%BA%8B- https://japanese.joins.com/article/838/254838.html?servcode=100&sectcode=140&cloc=jp|main|top_news <危機の韓日関係、連続診断5>韓日企業のウィン・ウィン協力、今年突然途絶えた  望ましい韓日関係の未来を探り、現在の葛藤関係を解決するために結成された「韓日ビジョンフォーラム」の第5回会合が24日に開かれた。韓国政府が「韓日企業共同出捐」による解決方法を日本に提案して拒否された直後であり、これをめぐる討論があった。討論の前、徐錫崇(ソ・ソクスン)韓日経済協会副会長(元スロバキア大使、駐日商務官)が「韓日企業間協力ネットワーク:断絶の危険性とシナジー効果」をテーマに発表し、韓日経済協力現場の苦衷を吐露した。   次は徐錫崇韓日経済協会副会長の発表内容。   韓日経済協力の第一線にいる立場で最近は肌で感じることが多い。1969年に朴泰俊(パク・テジュン)元首相(元浦項製鉄会長)主導の日本経済協会が発足し、昨年50周年を迎えた。東京で開催された記念行事に安倍晋三首相と皇族が出席した。今年の会議は5月にソウルで開催される予定だったが、延期になった。過去50年間、この会議が延期になったのは2回だけで、8年前の東日本大震災と2年前の韓国の弾劾政局の時だった。大邱(テグ)・蔚山(ウルサン)・慶北(キョンブク)・江原(カンウォン)-石川・富山・福井県間の協力会議が20年間続いてきたが、今年は開かれなかった。九州地域と韓国南部地域(全南・全北・済州・釜山・慶南)間の会議も26年目で途切れた。   この数年間、第3国への韓日企業共同進出が急増している。モンゴルの新空港は三菱の元請け、サムスン物産建設部門の下請けで

How come Korea is more westernized, while Japan isn't? How come Korea has more freedom and outgoing society, but Japan doesn't? Why is Japan so different even though the United States is Japan's closest ally?


The Taiwanese and Japanese governments seem to have generally had quite warm relations, but how has the general public in Taiwan viewed its colonial past? Is there a noticeable difference in alignment with party or linguistic distinctions?


Does Japan like North Korea?

https://www.quora.com/Does-Japan-like-North-Korea Japanese-Japanese (Not Korean-Japanese) hate Koreans because they do "abduction". However, Kim Jong-il liked Japan. His favorite movie is "Otoko wa Tsurai yo". He likes sushi and has hired Kenji Fujimoto as his exclusive cook. Kim Jong-un's mother is Korean in Japan. Kim Jong-il called her “Ayumi”. Her father was sewing Japanese military uniforms. Kim Jong-nam also liked Japan. He often came to Tokyo Disneyland. However, he was detained on May 1, 2001, and left China on May 4. The Kim family may be a hiding Japanophile.

Why did Japan invade Korea in the late 1500s?

https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Japan-invade-Korea-in-the-late-1500s/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=4670151285 Kuwata Kenji (桑田 健司)  ·  Add Credential Answered May 8 Even at that time, this situation was the same. Because  The Enlightenment Party of Joseon  has done "Gabo Reform". Main provisions of the Gabo Reform The Gabo Reform was similar to the Meiji Restoration in Japan and produced the following sweeping changes and declarations: Korea is a sovereign country (i.e., completely independent from China's external interference). Hierarchical society ( class system )  is abolished . Social privileges of the yangban class are eliminated. Those with talent are to be allowed to study and appointed to government posts based on merit alone, regardless of social class. The army is to be established on the basis of conscription, regardless of background. A modern police force and military are established. Al

Why is Japanese food so weird when compared to other cultures?

https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Japanese-food-so-weird-when-compared-to-other-cultures Nathan Yang (楊立慶) , I have family that resides in Japan Answered 31m ago Why is Japanese food so weird when compared to other cultures? I'm not sure if weird is the right word, but Japanese food does feel slightly out of this world for me at times.   However,  I should say (especially as one who has family in Japan and having visited the nation) that while Japanese cuisine can be weird at times, it is no weirder than any other cuisine. The concept of sushi and sashimi can be a bit of a cultural shock.   However, it is no weirder than an American putting ketchup on their hot dogs (and yes, sushi used to be fast food). Etiquette can feel overtly formal to outsiders, but is it really the only nation to have weird etiquette? I can argue that Japan's isolation from approximately 1633 to 1853 may have contributed a part to this “weirdness”. As said before, Japan is hardly unique in h


https://jp.quora.com/%E6%9C%9D%E9%AE%AE%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1%E3%81%A7-%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%AE%E5%A4%96%E5%8B%99%E7%9C%81%E3%81%8C%E6%97%AD%E6%97%A5%E6%97%97%E3%82%92%E6%AD%AA%E6%9B%B2%E8%AA%AC%E6%98%8E-%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B%E7%A4%BE 大韓民国憲法前文に、「三・一運動の精神を法統し」とあるように、反日精神が憲法に書かれている国です。彼らにしてみれば、反日は正義だから、全てのにおいて非難するのが正常なことなんでしょう、だから、「仕方がない」ですませてはいけません。そもそも、そのような反日国家とお付き合いする日本が異常かもしれません。勿論、日本系日本人は、あるべき姿にするために、出来ることをしないといけないと思います。

Why does Japan always invade Korea?

https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Japan-always-invade-Korea Jay Kim , Business Owner Answered Nov 27, 2018 The major Japanese invasions started in 1592, however, Japanese pirate activities existed way before then. The Japanese pirate activities contributed to the Imjin War. The Japanese were also considered a tributary country toward China, however, the Japanese contact with the Chinese lapsed over many decades, which infuriated the Chinese courts. However, Japan saw itself as an equal to China and wanted nothing more than to invade all of china and beyond. The Japanese believed that they could take the whole of the Indian sub-continent as well. The start to a continental invasion was at Japan’s nearest crossing point, which was Korea. In modern times, the idea of imperialism never diminished in Japan. Korea was fought over by China, Japan, Russia, Britain, the US, with Japan annexing Korea in 1910 with the idea of a false Pan-Asianism. The equalit

What should Japan learn from South Korea?

https://www.quora.com/What-should-Japan-learn-from-South-Korea Hidesato Sakakibara , studied at Japan Answered May 31 A few things come to my mind. 1.  Language reform.  Rather than increasing the number of kanji (Chinese characters) for usage in Japanese, we should decrease the number. Many if not most of these characters cannot be used in China. De we really need to have our students spend time on this? I don’t think so. I am a strong advocate of returning to having the 1850 kanji rule. The current 2100 characters are not needed. Our students would better spend their time learning others things, such as coding and English. 2.  Have more global thinking.  As South Korea is a very small country their market is also very small. They have to think globally. Japan does not, but that does not mean that we should not. Take for example air travel. South Korea was clever to build world class airports and give foreign airlines permission left and right to land. They also enco