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9月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Why hasn't there been any formal peace treaty signed between North and South Korea?

https://www.quora.com/Why-hasnt-there-been-any-formal-peace-treaty-signed-between-North-and-South-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 South Korea and North Korea are in a war. Is it possible in your country to conclude a peace treaty when the war is not over?

Do you believe that the South Korea and North Korea conflict will never let both the nations to progress at their potential scale?

https://www.quora.com/Do-you-believe-that-the-South-Korea-and-North-Korea-conflict-will-never-let-both-the-nations-to-progress-at-their-potential-scale/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 President Moon is a Juche thinker. He creates a country of Juche thought. The Juche idea denies capitalism. And he is thinking about unification with North Korea. Since Kim Jong-un hates President Moon, it is difficult to know if President Moon plans to succeed.

Why don't people in Japan listen to as much hip hop?

https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-people-in-Japan-listen-to-as-much-hip-hop/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 I don't know about other people, but in my case, listening to hip-hop doesn't wash my mind. Watching this video will calm my mind and wash my mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=TTv1xHNOIeA

What is a good gift for an 11-year-old Japanese boy?

https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-good-gift-for-an-11-year-old-Japanese-boy/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Is "an 11-year-old Japanese boy" Japanese-Japanese or a Korean-Japanese? If he/she is a Korean-Japanese, he/she will be unhappy to get something that Japanese-Japanese children are happy with.

What are the best cities to visit in Japan besides Tokyo and Kyoto?

https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-cities-to-visit-in-Japan-besides-Tokyo-and-Kyoto/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 please refer. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=japan+trip Gifu is popular with Jews. This is because there is a memorial hall of “Chiune Sugihara”. He is the person who issued a “Life Visa” to 6000 Jews in Lithuania.

Will a unified Korea be military and economically a stronger country than Japan?

https://www.quora.com/Will-a-unified-Korea-be-military-and-economically-a-stronger-country-than-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 If South Korea and North Korea are unified, there is a possibility that both the North and South are in the Juche idea. The Juche idea is based on a nation that is independent from the United States and China. I am interested in how to face the great powers under such thoughts.

How did Japan and South Korea agree to host the 2002 FIFA World Cup if they hate each other so much?

https://www.quora.com/How-did-Japan-and-South-Korea-agree-to-host-the-2002-FIFA-World-Cup-if-they-hate-each-other-so-much/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 There seems to be a complicated situation inside FIFA. 2002 FIFAワールドカップ - Wikipedia In Japan, there is the word “K's Law”. This means that bad things will always happen when we work with South Korea. Japanese-Japanese does not want to get involved with South Korea.

When will south Korea make amends with Japan and leave the past behind?

https://www.quora.com/When-will-south-Korea-make-amends-with-Japan-and-leave-the-past-behind/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Koreans lie to breathe. They believe that saying “lie” 100 times, "lie" will be true. They think that It is worse to be deceived than to deceive. There are decent Koreans. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/07/about-comfort-women.html The day will come when the Korean “lie” will be revealed. Korea and Japan have two histories. Please study at this opportunity. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html

Why is Mexico not as successful as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan etc.?

https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Mexico-not-as-successful-as-Japan-South-Korea-Taiwan-etc/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Recently, when I was investigating the Juche idea, there was a little talk about Mexico. Juche thinkers met in Mexico. The place was a meeting room of the Diet. I am totally ignorant about Mexico. When Juche thought spreads in Mexico, it becomes a country like North Korea and South Korea.

Why has South Korea filed a complaint over Japan's trade restrictions?

https://www.quora.com/Why-has-South-Korea-filed-a-complaint-over-Japans-trade-restrictions/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 There may be something inconvenient. Until now, the Japanese government has trusted South Korea and did not manage supplies that could be diverted to military use. However, for world safety, “no-check” is irresponsible. The Japanese government had asked South Korea to report on the use of supplies that could be diverted to military use. South Korea ignored for 3 years. Became a Moon administration, the export of supplies divertable to the military has unnaturally doubled. This year, Japan exported 40 tons of hydrogen fluoride to South Korea. South Korea announced that 40 tons have been returned to Japan. However, only 120 kg is recorded in the tariff record in Japan. South Korea has not yet reported to Japan about 40 tons of usage results. As a result, the Japanese government can no longer trust South Korea,

How has K-pop affected the world views on South Korea?

https://www.quora.com/How-has-K-pop-affected-the-world-views-on-South-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Koreans who expand overseas were hated all over the world because of their arrogance. However, the Koreans do not solve the cause despite "because of the Koreans' behavior". Korean Wave is the solution that Koreans have come up with to solve the problem. https://skoreanlovers.blogspot.com/2018/11/k-pop_14.html Korea and Japan have two histories. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html The United Nations, which makes extraordinary people speak at the United Nations, is unusual. https://skoreanlovers.blogspot.com/2018/11/k-pop.html

If South Korea boycotts Japan and its products, what if Tokyo boycotts Seoul and its goods? But at the same time, should they (JPN) start promoting Western things (mostly from continental Europe and the Nordics) because they are tolerant than Asians?

https://www.quora.com/If-South-Korea-boycotts-Japan-and-its-products-what-if-Tokyo-boycotts-Seoul-and-its-goods-But-at-the-same-time-should-they-JPN-start-promoting-Western-things-mostly-from-continental-Europe-and-the-Nordics-because/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Japanese Juche thinkers do not boycott Korean products. They are busy to expelling Okinawa's US military base from Okinawa. What are there sold South Korean products in Japan? I know only Korean nori and Kimchi. It is rumored that if the white paste is in Korean nori, it is toilet paper. I worry about there are a lot of E. coli in Korean Kimchi. When we buy a product, be sure to check the production area. If I have a South Korean product in my hand, I want to go to wash my hand. South Korean products are half the price of Japanese products, but I buy Japanese products. Do you think Japan doesn't produce products? Even if South Korean products do not come to Ja

What typical culture shocks will international tourists encounter when traveling to Japan?

https://www.quora.com/What-typical-culture-shocks-will-international-tourists-encounter-when-traveling-to-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOMZWkPo7ao6yGaXc954U0w/videos This video channel will answer.

What are the most important things for South Korea to consider regarding a potential war with the North?

https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-most-important-things-for-South-Korea-to-consider-regarding-a-potential-war-with-the-North/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 In order to become an independent country of Juche thought, the most important point is how to create a system that is not influenced by the United States and China.

When did Japan invade Korea?

https://www.quora.com/When-did-Japan-invade-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Japan has refused to consolidate Korea. The merger between Japan and Korea was carried out at the persistent demand of Koreans. On June 22, 1910, the Japan-Korea Joint Treaty was signed. Korea and Japan have two histories. Please study at this opportunity. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html In 1885 Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote a book about the right thought. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ This is still true today.

How do you think Koreans boycott Japanese products?

https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-think-Koreans-boycott-Japanese-products/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Japanese-Japanese knows that Juche thinkers are inciting the boycott movement as well as the comfort women issue. So boycott movement will grow is convenient for the Juche thinkers. In other words, for the Juche thinker, President Moon, an environment where the north and south can be unified is created. If a blind South Korean who wants the democracy had participated in the boycott movement, Japanese-Japanese laughs as a funny story. Since ten years before, Japanese-Japanese wanted to break off relations with South Korea. Japanese-Japanese hopes that President Moon will fulfill our wishes.

Is Manhattan bought out by Russians and Chinese?

https://www.quora.com/Is-Manhattan-bought-out-by-Russians-and-Chinese/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 "Is Manhattan bought out by Russians and Chinese?" This is an interesting question. Comintern occupied Wall Street. Comintern made China. China began to threaten the interests of Comintern. Comintern began to crush China. How about this story?

Do Koreans and Japanese descend from the same line of ancestors? Are the Yayoi people who migrated to Japan basically ancient Koreans?

https://www.quora.com/Do-Koreans-and-Japanese-descend-from-the-same-line-of-ancestors-Are-the-Yayoi-people-who-migrated-to-Japan-basically-ancient-Koreans/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 https://mmemorandumm.blogspot.com/2019/05/korean-roots-and-genes.html I feel that Japanese-Japanese and Koreans sayings and doings are very opposite, so Japanese-Japanese is different from Korean DNA. Japanese-Japanese doesn't lie but  Koreans lie as they exhale. It seems that Japanese and Korean people are not the same people. The gene of Japanese people seems to be close to the gene of the Tibet region.


https://jp.quora.com/saikin-nichi-kan-ni-kansu-ru-shitsumon-no-naka-ni-atakamo-nihonjin-ni-kagai-mono-ishiki-wo-ji-ta-se-tai-mataha-kankoku-yougo-wo-niowa-seru-you-na-naiyou-wo-ken-uke-masu-kore-ha-watashi-no-kan-gu-ri-sugi-de-shou-ka/answers/166638042?prompt_topic_bio=1 海外で読まれる韓国の英字新聞(The Korea Timesやハンギョレ)では、日本に関する記事には必ず「酷い扱いを受けた植民地時代」「多くの人が殺された植民地時代」「多くの物資が略奪された植民地時代」「性奴隷制度」「酷い扱いを受けた性奴隷達」「酷い扱いを受けた強制労働者」などなど印象操作をして、日本を悪者にし、悪魔のであるという印象を読み手に与えています。そして、韓国は、「韓国政府は日本政府に対話を申し込んでいるが、日本政府は申し込みを拒否している」とあくまで韓国は正しい言動をしているにもかかわらず、日本は無視をすると言うように、韓国は正しい、日本が悪いと英字圏の人に印象操作を、毎日しているのが現状です。韓国の報道は、英字になり世界の人を味方につけることを目的に発信していることを知らなければ、「こいつら何言ってんだ、馬鹿じゃねーの」と日本人は井の中の蛙状態だと言うことです。The Korea TimesやハンギョレのWebニュースにはコメントが出来ます、英語が出来る日本系日本人の人は、「嘘は書かないで」「真実はこうですよ」「何故、原因を書かないのですか」とコメントして欲しいです。ただし、朝鮮民族に不都合なコメントは消されます、朝鮮人のリプライは、侮辱しか返ってきません。

What is the foreign trade policy of Japan?

https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-foreign-trade-policy-of-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 In the case of South Korea, hydrogen fluoride that can be used for military purposes by becoming a Moon administration has doubled unnaturally, and South Korea has not yet reported 40 tons of usage results. If this happens, for international security, Japan will strengthen exports.

Why is it so difficult for North Korea to understand that their own economic prosperity is more important than South Korea’s destruction?

https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-so-difficult-for-North-Korea-to-understand-that-their-own-economic-prosperity-is-more-important-than-South-Korea-s-destruction/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 North Korea is a country of Juche thought. You should stop thinking about North Korea on the basis of a democratic state. The country of Juche thought has justice to the country of Juche idea.

Are there any solutions to the long time ill will between Japan and South Korea?

https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-solutions-to-the-long-time-ill-will-between-Japan-and-South-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Don't you study the history of Korea and Japan at this opportunity? https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html Please ask again after studying.

Why have Korea and Japan “grown up” so differently after being under the shadow of China for the majority of their history?

https://www.quora.com/Why-have-Korea-and-Japan-grown-up-so-differently-after-being-under-the-shadow-of-China-for-the-majority-of-their-history/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 How about studying the history of Korea and Japan at this opportunity? 歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

Why is Korea's ancient culture regarded as trivial in comparison to that of China and Japan?

https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Koreas-ancient-culture-regarded-as-trivial-in-comparison-to-that-of-China-and-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 How about studying the history of Korea and Japan at this opportunity? 歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

China vs. Japan vs. Korea - animosity exists on a level between each of these countries, but if you had to pick two countries out with relatively good relations, which would you pick? Why?

https://www.quora.com/China-vs-Japan-vs-Korea-animosity-exists-on-a-level-between-each-of-these-countries-but-if-you-had-to-pick-two-countries-out-with-relatively-good-relations-which-would-you-pick-Why/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Even now, the thoughts of Japanese-Japanese are the same as the thoughts of “Datsu--A Ron” written by Yukichi Fukuzawa in 1885. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ

Is the Fukushima region safe to travel by the time of the Olympics in 2020?

https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Fukushima-region-safe-to-travel-by-the-time-of-the-Olympics-in-2020/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Japan is safe because it does not mix nuclear waste with road asphalt like South Korea. It is lower than the radiation dose in Seoul. https://i.imgur.com/ibHHHu5.png

Is South Korea underrated when compared to Japan and China?

https://www.quora.com/Is-South-Korea-underrated-when-compared-to-Japan-and-China/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 The Japanese people's evaluation is no different from the “Datsu-A Ron” written by Yukichi Fukuzawa in 1885. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ Please take this opportunity to study the history of Korea and Japan. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html

Do East Asians (Japan, Korea, China) want an East Asian union like ASEAN?

https://www.quora.com/Do-East-Asians-Japan-Korea-China-want-an-East-Asian-union-like-ASEAN/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Japanese-Japanese do not want at all. The thoughts of Japanese Japanese are the same as those written in 1885 by Yukichi Fukuzawa in "De-Asia". https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ There are very few Chinese and Korean people who can understand Japan. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/07/if-these-people-increase-it-would-be.html When these people become leaders in China and Korea, we should think about it. Please take this opportunity to study the history of Korea and Japan. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html

Can someone help me understand the relationship between China, Korea and Japan? Do China and Korea despise Japan or not?

https://www.quora.com/Can-someone-help-me-understand-the-relationship-between-China-Korea-and-Japan-Do-China-and-Korea-despise-Japan-or-not/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 It doesn't matter what China and Korea think of Japan. However, the thoughts of Japanese-Japanese are the same as those written in 1885 by Yukichi Fukuzawa in "Datsu-A  Ron". https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ There are very few Chinese and Korean people who can understand Japan. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/07/if-these-people-increase-it-would-be.html Please take this opportunity to study the history of Korea and Japan. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html

What are the similarities of Japan, China, and Korea?

https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-similarities-of-Japan-China-and-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 In 1885, Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote a book called “Datsu-A Ron”. What is written in the book remains unchanged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z_v5r_4xxHQ

What are the reasons for discord between Japan and South Korea?

https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-reasons-for-discord-between-Japan-and-South-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 There are various factors. The biggest factor can be attributed to the Comintern colonial rule that invaded the United States. When dominating the colony, it is easier to control in a state of mutual engagement than in a situation where different ethnic groups are in good standing. Comintern in the United States made use of Korea and China made by the United States and made a state that Japan never fights against Western. But now, the United States is not the president elected by Comintern. The current president wants the countries of the world to become independent, unaffected by Comintern. The president elected by Comintern has put pressure on Japan to make concessions when the Japan-Korea issue occurs. There is no pressure on Japan because he is not the president of Comintern. Japan can face South Korea without th

Do you think that South Korea's ongoing boycott of Japan is an echo to the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union aka Brexit?

https://www.quora.com/Do-you-think-that-South-Koreas-ongoing-boycott-of-Japan-is-an-echo-to-the-United-Kingdoms-vote-to-leave-the-European-Union-aka-Brexit/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Are the Juche thinkers doing politics in the UK like South Korea? If the Juche thinkers not doing politics in the UK It is not the same.

How do you see the current relationship between Japan and Korea? I feel that the Japanese government is not willing to understand the sentiments of the Korean people.

https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-see-the-current-relationship-between-Japan-and-Korea-I-feel-that-the-Japanese-government-is-not-willing-to-understand-the-sentiments-of-the-Korean-people/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Do you want to say that the South Korean government cares about Japanese-Japanese emotions? The chairman of South Korea insulted the Emperor, does he care about the feelings of Japanese-Japanese? You who ask these questions are selfish and have no good sense.

Why are Japan and South Korea not so friendly to each other, especially related to World War II?

https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Japan-and-South-Korea-not-so-friendly-to-each-other-especially-related-to-World-War-II/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 You are totally ignorant about the history of Northeast Asia. At the time of World War II, there was no country called “Korea”. The country “Korea” was created by Comintern in the United States after the war due to the intention of those who ruled the world with gold. The Koreans before World War II were anxious to join the Japanese army. https://i.imgur.com/S1VOM77.png Park Chung-hee wrote an application with blood. https://i.imgur.com/bDZwY15.jpg As the conscription system was implemented, the Koreans parade the town with gratitude. https://i.imgur.com/aGOIIAy.jpg Koreans hide these facts. The Koreans disseminate information contrary to the facts to make Japan a bad guy. Koreans deceive the people around the world.

What do some folks from various continental European and Nordic countries think of the ongoing trade war between deeply 'important' yet 'notable' Japan and a so-called 'South Korea'?

https://www.quora.com/What-do-some-folks-from-various-continental-European-and-Nordic-countries-think-of-the-ongoing-trade-war-between-deeply-important-yet-notable-Japan-and-a-so-called-South-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Do you really think of a “trade war”? If Japan and South Korea really become a “trade war,” Japan will have “financial sanctions”. South Korea imports with Japanese credit. Many South Koreans don't even know that. If Japan "financial sanctions", South Korea's economy will end instantly. I hope it will be the “trade war” that everyone wants as soon as possible.

Why should South Korea have to ask Japan to ban the Rising Sun flag from the Tokyo Olympics? Will they ultimately?

https://www.quora.com/Why-should-South-Korea-have-to-ask-Japan-to-ban-the-Rising-Sun-flag-from-the-Tokyo-Olympics-Will-they-ultimately/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 South Korea ’s harassment of Japan. We also call the South Korean flag the advertising flag of the massage parlor. Or, Let’s call it the massacre and rape flag during the Vietnam War.

Why did Japan remove South Korea from the whitelist?

https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Japan-remove-South-Korea-from-the-whitelist/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Three items that Japan has enhanced export control can be diverted to military use. Therefore, Japan needs to manage how these items are used for global security. However, because Japan trusted South Korea and had the only preferential treatment in Asia, it did not manage individual usage purposes when exporting. From Moon administration, the export volume of hydrogen fluoride doubled. Japan has asked South Korea how to use hydrogen fluoride for three years, but South Korea has ignored it. Japan decides that South Korea cannot be trusted anymore, and the Japanese government will individually manage the three items that can be diverted to military use, and if the purpose of the use is determined to be appropriate, the export will be permitted. Changed to management. Become a Moon administration, the export volume of hydroge

Would a United Korea be able to make rival Japan and China as a regional and possible global powerhouse?

https://www.quora.com/Would-a-United-Korea-be-able-to-make-rival-Japan-and-China-as-a-regional-and-possible-global-powerhouse/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Since President Sung will destroy South Korea ’s economy, it will not be able to compete.

Should the Emperor of Japan/the Prime Minister apologise to Korea regarding the comfort women issue or should Korea uphold their agreement?

https://www.quora.com/Should-the-Emperor-of-Japan-the-Prime-Minister-apologise-to-Korea-regarding-the-comfort-women-issue-or-should-Korea-uphold-their-agreement/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Do you have "the ability to pursue the truth"? Don't you know the book that has been the best seller in South Korea for three weeks now? about comfort women The Koreans are desperately spreading the “lies”. And many people are being deceived. Why? Korea and Japan have two histories. Please study at this opportunity. 歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

Did Japan ever apologize for making Korean women be “comfort women” to Japanese troops?

https://www.quora.com/Did-Japan-ever-apologize-for-making-Korean-women-be-comfort-women-to-Japanese-troops/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Do you have "the ability to pursue the truth"? Don't you know the book that has been the best seller in South Korea for three weeks now? https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/07/about-comfort-women.html The Koreans are desperately spreading the “lies”. And many people are being deceived. Why? Korea and Japan have two histories. Please study at this opportunity. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html

Is China trading with North Korea?

https://www.quora.com/Is-China-trading-with-North-Korea/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Of course Even today, Koreans trade as in the Joseon Dynasty. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-48340210?SThisFB&fbclid=IwAR1R2YYkpJbnlWbRO0SBO4QfOLtEi9OlxSsRjR-Th_shu3CYt-luwU6vcHE

Should Koreans stop traveling to Japan?

https://www.quora.com/Should-Koreans-stop-traveling-to-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 of course. The crimes that Koreans cause in Japan, Buddha statues are stolen, stone statues are destroyed, Yasukuni Shrine is blown down, graffiti on the cultural heritage, robbery, rape, and other crimes are eliminated.

Is South Korea justified in asking Japan to ban its "rising sun" flag from the 2020 Olympics? Why or why not?

https://www.quora.com/Is-South-Korea-justified-in-asking-Japan-to-ban-its-rising-sun-flag-from-the-2020-Olympics-Why-or-why-not/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 South Korea ’s harassment of Japan. We also call the South Korean flag the advertising flag of the massage parlor. Or, Let’s call it the massacre and rape flag during the Vietnam War.

Why do so many Japanese from Korean descent wait so long before getting their Japanese citizenship?

https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-Japanese-from-Korean-descent-wait-so-long-before-getting-their-Japanese-citizenship/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Korea and Japan have two histories. https://commenttokorea.blogspot.com/2019/05/japan-faces-history.html The fools who don't try to know the truth, most Koreans, communists, racists and Korean-Japanese disgrace Japan. Korean people in Japan do not use the Korean name. They use the Japanese name.

What do Koreans think of the Japanese? Do they consider them cruel people?

https://www.quora.com/What-do-Koreans-think-of-the-Japanese-Do-they-consider-them-cruel-people/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 The way of thinking is affected in each environment. Korea and Japan have two histories. 歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

Why is the South Korean leader saying that Japan is dishonest over its wartime past?

https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-South-Korean-leader-saying-that-Japan-is-dishonest-over-its-wartime-past/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 President Moon's aim. The content of the anti-Japan can be anything. Even if it is a lie, it is no problem. No one knows whether it is a lie or true. Anyway, the purpose is to bully Japan. The people will please if he disgraces Japan. People work together for the same cause. Support rate goes up. When you notice, South Korea is the same country of Juche idea as North. It will be possible to unify the Korean Peninsula. Korea and Japan have two histories. 歴史を直視しろ Japan faces history

What were Japan's relationships with China and Korea like before the colonialization era/WWII atrocities of the 1900s?

https://www.quora.com/What-were-Japans-relationships-with-China-and-Korea-like-before-the-colonialization-era-WWII-atrocities-of-the-1900s/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 In 1885, Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote in "Datsu-A Ron". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_v5r_4xxHQ

Why does Japan revoke South Korea's trusted trade status?

https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Japan-revoke-South-Koreas-trusted-trade-status/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 Three items that Japan has enhanced export control can be diverted to military use. Therefore, Japan needs to manage how these items are used for global security. However, because Japan trusted South Korea and had the only preferential treatment in Asia, it did not manage individual usage purposes when exporting. From Moon administration, the export volume of hydrogen fluoride doubled. Japan has asked South Korea how to use hydrogen fluoride for three years, but South Korea has ignored it. Japan decides that South Korea cannot be trusted anymore, and the Japanese government will individually manage the three items that can be diverted to military use, and if the purpose of the use is determined to be appropriate, the export will be permitted. Changed to management. Become a Moon administration, the export volume of hydrogen f