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What are the reasons for discord between Japan and South Korea?


There are various factors.
The biggest factor can be attributed to the Comintern colonial rule that invaded the United States.
When dominating the colony, it is easier to control in a state of mutual engagement than in a situation where different ethnic groups are in good standing.
Comintern in the United States made use of Korea and China made by the United States and made a state that Japan never fights against Western.
But now, the United States is not the president elected by Comintern.
The current president wants the countries of the world to become independent, unaffected by Comintern.
The president elected by Comintern has put pressure on Japan to make concessions when the Japan-Korea issue occurs.
There is no pressure on Japan because he is not the president of Comintern.
Japan can face South Korea without the pressure of the United States.
I hope Japan will deal with South Korea in a resolute manner against South Korea's harassment.



Why has the Japanese government never recognized / apologized for crimes committed to South Korea during WW2?

https://www.quora.com/Why-has-the-Japanese-government-never-recognized-apologized-for-crimes-committed-to-South-Korea-during-WW2/answer/Hidesato-Sakakibara Original question: Why has the Japanese government never recognized / apologized for crimes committed to South Korea during WW2? But Japan HAS apologized, again and again and again.  We have even given billions upon billions of dollars in war reparation, technological assistance, etc. But it is not enough for them. It will NEVER be enough for them.  They are intent upon seeing Japan as an ATM where they can use war guilt to get more and more money.  It is time to say NO! The South Korean government goes out of its way to make sure their people HATE Japan. Left to themselves, Koreans would not have such a beef with Japan. When they come to Japan they are always happy.  But the South Korean government makes sure that the hate continues. For them,  keeping Koreans hating Japan helps to make them more competitive and

How was "Japan-Korea annexation" done?

  https://www.quora.com/How-was-Japan-Korea-annexation-done/answer/Pak-Dong-Su?__filter__=&__nsrc__=2&__snid3__=4646971463 Pak Dong Su , lives in Seoul In 1895, Japanese soldiers, gangsters and pro-Japan Koreans murdered the Korean Queen Myeongseong. In 1904, Great Japan Empire attacked Russian Empire without declaration of war and won it. In 1905, Japan took control of southern part of Sakhalin(Karafuto), and Japan forced Russia to not oppose Korea becoming a protectorate of Japan. In November 1905, Japan and Korea signed Eulsa Treaty(을사조약) which made Great Korean Empire a protectorate of Japan. As a result of the treaty, all foreign diplomatic offices left Korea because Korea was "immature" in its diplomacy so all diplomacy needed to be done by "mature" Japan. The US supported Korea being a protectorate of Japan by the Katsura-Taft Agreement. In 1907, the Imperial Korean military was disbanded. Japanese Resident General Ito Hirobumi forced

Why does South Korea end the military agreement with Japan?

https://www.quora.com/Why-does-South-Korea-end-the-military-agreement-with-Japan/answer/%E6%A1%91%E7%94%B0-%E5%81%A5%E5%8F%B8-Kuwata-Kenji?prompt_topic_bio=1 The President of Juche thinker from North Korea wants to break diplomatic relations with Japan. President Moon wants a 35-year-old North Korean young man to praise.