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7月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

What kind of lies do Koreans tell to deceive the ignorant? Kaen Kim (lives in Canada)'s case

The red text is my rebuttal. 赤い文字 は私の反論です。 Kaen Kim lives in Canada Updated July 22·Upvoted by Emvee Kochappan, Masters Physics & History and Alexandre Bagniewski, M.a. History & Anthropology, University of Brasília (2003) Kaen Kimはカナダに住んでいます。7月22日更新・Emvee Kochappan、Masters Physics&History、Alexandre Bagniewski、M.a。ブラジリア大学歴史人類学(2003) 👆 I searched for Kaen Kim's answer, but couldn't find it. Apparently, Kaen Kim was account-banned. Kaen Kimの回答を探しましたが、見つかりませんでした。 どうやらKaen Kimは、アカウントBANされたようです。 This answer isn't really about saying what one single country has done the worst, but I do want to share below the cruelty of humankind that many people don't know about. この答えは、ある国が最悪の事態を起こしたということではありませんが、多くの人が知らない人類の残酷さを以下に示したいと思います。 Graphic content is below but I want to make this known because so many people around the world have heard of Hitler, Nazis, concentration camps but they have not heard of the Asian holocaust that took place around the same period. In western s

Nanking Massacre

https://www.quora.com/search?q=%20Nanjing%20Massacre https://www.quora.com/search?q=%20Nanking%20Massacre https://www.quora.com/topic/Nanking-Massacre?q=Nanjing%20ma https://www.quora.com/What-if-Japan-had-attacked-China-instead-only-instead-of-America-too-in-WWII-How-would-the-world-history-look-differently-today